I colored Ian with my Bic markers in my old high school colors. I cut the football with the Sports Mania cart. Its rather plain but I like the simple look of it.
The card is for Kaegan, the seven-year-old son of two of my closest friends in High school. Kaegan had a stroke due to a small clot in the back of his brain near his brainstem on Sept 29. While he still has much more recovery ahead of him he is making outstanding progress. He is a tremendously strong little boy with an outstanding family support system. My heart longs to be in Texas so that I could help out Matthew and Amber. I do what I can here and send card and email to let them know that a doesn't pass that I don't think about them all. I also pray and ask anyone to also pray for Kaegan and his family. You can check THIS site to learn more about Kaegan and follow his wonderful progress
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thursday!! I believe Clara and I are going to go hang out in Barnes and Nobles for awhile. Thanks for stopping by!!
That is TOO TOO CUTE!!! I love how you used the football in the background, it's not plain at all it's just perfectly balanced. Really great job, I'm sure he'll love it!