Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pirate Chistmas

Well  we are halfway through the week and I have plans with my BFF on Friday evening, YAY!!  Did anyone else catch Glee last night?  What did you think?  I missed last week and forgot that I missed it so I need to go back and watch it but I'm not sure if I'm really getting the show this year.

I have a fantastic card to show you today.  I just love this pirate snowman and all the little extra stamps that came with him.  Isn't the polka dot paper fantastic?  I'm hoping to use him tons more.

Well I'm off to Michaels to get some glitter to finish off my Chirstimas ornaments for this year.  Have a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! You know I'm a big fan of him and the three little "add ons" are so cute. Glee last week was AWESOME!! This week I felt like they were cramming a lot into a little time again. And I didn't like the music, but oh well.


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